September, 2024 Major inspection passed--so we are on target for a move in October. Grand Opening is now set for Sunday October 27, 2024 at 11:00 am. We are going to do a Book Chain on October 6th, symbolically moving the first few books over. The contractors are on to punch list items. The furniture can now be moved in. The books will start to be moved on October 7th.
August, 2024 Moving along! Exterior is 90% done. The bathrooms are done. All of the flooring is done. Elevators are awaiting final inspection. Lighting is almost complete.
July, 2024
A Floors are in. ceilings are almost all up. Counters for the bathrooms came in and are being installed. The exterior panels are going up (slowly, but surely). The sign went up! We are pushing ahead for a September reopening!
June, 2024
A lot of progress has been made. All of the carpeting and most of the flooring has been installed. The lighting is almost all installed--just waiting on the wood ceiling installations. The 15' mosaic has been installed in the main staircase and the wallpaper in the Children and Teen rooms. We are on target for a reopening in September!
May, 2024
The blue trespa panels are being installed. The exterior panels, including both blue and gray, should be completed in June. The second floor interior is almost complete: lights, carpet, and mill work are installed. We are waiting for the sustainable ceiling to come in so that it can be installed. The sidewalks and front entrance have been completed. Doors are being hung.
April, 2024
The exterior is moving along, with all of the limestone panels in place. Next up are the gray and blue trespa panels. The parking lot lights have been installed as has much of the new fencing. Interior work continues with the ceilings and lights on the second floor just about complete and the non-wood portions of the ceilings almost done on the two lower levels. The elevators are in place, with just some finishing work ongoing.
March, 2024
Outside the building the stone panel installation has commenced, the gas header has been installed, and the front entry concrete has been installed. Interior, ceilings are going up, floor leveling is almost done, some rooms are already painted and carpeted--and work is proceeding!
February, 2024
Work is continuing. The office area is now carpeted; ceilings and lights are being installed. The ceiling throughout the building is grid-prepared, just awaiting lights and ceiling tiles. The stage is being constructed and work is proceeding on the theater. Work on the outside of the building is nearing the point where they can start applying the limestone panels: that work should be moving significantly in the next few weeks. A video of the Children's room and Teen Beacon is above.
January, 2024
Work is picking up pace. Much of the wallboard is now up. Work continues on the new teen room (The Beacon), the gas line connections have been installed, the bathrooms are being tiled, and work on the exterior walls is ongoing. The current schedule has us returning to the building in July/August.
December, 2023
Construction moves forward. Most of the windows are in--all will be by the end of the month. The parking lot has received its base coat--final paving will occur at the end of construction. Interior work has been ongoing and will pick up pace once the building is fully enclosed.
November, 2023
Construction is moving forward. The exterior of Area B (the old Children's Room) is being enclosed. Tile and wallboard installation is proceeding. We have completed the west parking lot concrete curbs and begun the Area B roof top unit blocking
Our latest schedule has us returning to the building in June, 2024.
September 1, 2023
We want to address some rumors running around on social media and elsewhere.
Dewatering: In order to create the theater and install real elevators, we needed to dig below the water line. This was always known. Pre-construction tests (and continued monitoring) showed that the water and soil on our property are clean. We hired a very respected company to manage the dewatering process. They put in a plan with the State (DEC approval was required) which took months to be evaluated--and was rejected because of the feared impact of the dewatering on the hazardous waste site at the Lincoln Shopping Center and the plume running from the shopping center west towards the river. To be clear, the shopping center site is almost completely clean at this point--the cleanup has been going on for years.
After revised plans were submitted, reviewed, and approved, dewatering commenced (another 6 month delay. The new plans called for 96 pump-points to be installed on our property (instead of one big pump) and 6 monitoring wells at the shopping center. Unfortunately, as soon as we started dewatering the water levels at the shopping center dropped and work was stopped. The clean-up site and the plume were not disturbed in any way: dewatering stopped before any water flow was disrupted. We then had to construct the basement in an on-again off-again manner, with daily monitoring of the water levels. Although the work on the "new" side was delayed, our contractors have been working diligently on the existing side.
In short, we have experienced delays. Some were due to COVID at the beginning of the project. Some were due to supply chain issues. And a good deal were due to the dewatering process. While we have experienced an unexpected delay--and significant cost increases-- there is no hazardous waste on our site, we did not disturb the clean-up site, and the project is moving forward.
Work has started to proceed at an accelerated pace. We currently expect to move back to the building in June/July of 2024--but we are taking every step we can to make it happen sooner.
We appreciate the community's patience and are even happier with our decision to create temporary spaces which are providing full library services throughout construction.
August, 2023
The basement concrete has been poured, the walls are going up, and more and more steel is in place in Area B (the old Children's Room). Dewatering, the process needed to build the basement/theater area, has caused delays and increased costs, but is almost done. Work on Area A, the part closest to the Church, continues, with most of the interior HVAC, electric, plumbing, etc. in place and wallboards going up daily.
July , 2023
We are proceeding at a good pace now--the deep parts of the basement area, including the elevator shafts, have been finished--so we are pumping out a LOT less water--and should be able to finish the basement/dewatering without further delay. Work on Area A continues rapidly, including walls, etc.
June 2023
We continue to have issues with the dewatering process, which continues to delay the work and increase costs. Our latest plan should help move things along.
For May, the following work was done:
100% complete with area A lower-level concrete infills
100% complete with area A elevator and sump pit work
100% complete with area A underground electrical and plumbing work
75% complete with window installation for area A
60% complete with electrical rough-in for area A
60% complete with plumbing rough-in for area A
Continuing excavation work in area B
May 2023
The work performed in April:
April 2023
The work performed in March:
100% complete with dewatering system installation
100% complete with concrete waterproofing for area A
100% complete with exterior framing for area A
100% complete with door frame installation for area A
90% complete with sheathing for area A
90% complete with interior framing for area A
50% complete with ductwork for area A
30% complete with electrical rough-in for area A
30% complete with plumbing rough-in for area A
March 2023
The work performed in February:
100% complete with demolition
100% complete with roofing for area A
90% complete with exterior framing from area A
75% complete with sheathing for area A
75% complete with interior framing for area A
Began electrical conduit installation for area A
Began fire sprinkler installation for area A
Began mechanical piping installation for area A
February, 2023
We have received the NY State DEC dewatering permit which will allow us to dig the new basement area, which, in turn, will allow us to complete the enclosure of the building. Work on Area A (the former 1997 addition) continues, with roofing, side walls, duct work and more completed or in substantial progress.
December, 2022 Update
Construction continues. This month saw:
November, 2022 Update
Construction continues. We are awaiting NY State DEC approval for the dewatering needed on the new section. In the meantime, work continues on the easterly portion of the building.
October, 2022 Update
Construction is moving forward. Excavation, steel, concrete and site work are ongoing. See the rendering of the front of the building, above.
Our design team just won an award from the American Institute of Architects/NY for the lighting design!
September, 2022 Update
Construction is at its beginning phases, but moving forward. We will start sharing the renderings of the exterior and interior here and on social media starting in October. Target date is still Nov/Dec 2023!
August, 2022 Update
Demolition is complete. Construction is now commencing. We will be sharing renderings of the new space here and on social media throughout the Fall. As with any construction, there are always surprises, and we have had a few--but so far nothing insurmountable!
If you get a chance, stop by our temp space. We have placed sample exterior seats outside. Try them out (with a book and maybe a slice from Lia's or a sub from Jersey Mike's) and let us know which ones you like better!
July, 2022 Update
Demolition is in full swing. Both of the properties we purchased are down--we are excited to see how large the new parking lot will be! The 1962 structure is down completely. This is where the new 3 story (lower level and two above-ground floors) will be, and the 1997 section is almost completely stripped. We found some rusted out beams from hidden water damage which will be replaced. We expect construction to start shortly.
Of particular note, thanks to Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin, Town Councilman Anthony D'Esposito, and the rest of the Town Board, our building permit fees, which could have been in the hundreds of thousands of dollars have been capped going forward at just $500. Thank you!!
June, 2022 Update
As you can see, we added a construction camera and the demo/abatement work has begun!
May, 2022 Update
We held our Grand Opening at 56 and 26 Atlantic Avenue in the Greater Lincoln Shopping Center! We are open for business and construction will be starting in earnest at the main building. Tentative return date: October, 2023.
April, 2022 Update
We are moving! April 15th is our last day operating out of the main building. for the next two weeks we will have limited hours/service at the VFW, then on to our temporary home at the Greater Lincoln Shopping Center!
March, 2022 Update
3/21/22: Major milestone achieved: we have passed the fire marshal inspection for the temporary quarters (a key part had been delayed due to supply chain issues). We are now on target for a move the last two weeks of April, with a May 2nd open date at the Great Lincoln Shopping center--and the start of demolition at the main building.
3/3/22: We have closed on our bond with the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York. Construction will start shortly. Our move to the temporary location has been delayed due to supply chain issues with the fire alarm system, but it is our intention at this point to be operational at the Lincoln Shopping Center on May 2, 2022.
February, 2022 Update
Delighted to announce that Moody's rating service has just upgraded the Library's rating ahead of our bond issuance later this month.
Particularly proud of their comments:
The management team at Oceanside Library is highly qualified and well credentialed with members holding doctorates in education, law and masters of library science. Management also evidences cogent fiscal management as evidenced by the library's robust financial position. Additionally, voter approval of the capital project and property tax increase indicate strong local support for the library."
The full report can be seen here
January, 2022 Update
We are pleased to announce that we have received permission from the Town of Hempstead to proceed with the project! Our requested variances have been granted.
We are scheduled to lock in our funding with the Dormitory Association of the State of New York (DASNY) on February 17th, with a closing on March 3rd.
At this point we expect to move to the temporary quarters the last two weeks of March, with an opening on April 4th!
December, 2021 Update
The project is moving forward quickly. We are waiting for the fire alarm system to be installed and approved, and then we should be able to use the temporary space, even before the move.
We have finalized the "Guaranteed Maximum Price" with E.W. Howell after untold hours of meetings with the design team, engineers, estimators, consultants, and others. Our next big step is the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on January 12th, and then the finalizing of financing with DASNY. We have been working on the submissions required for the DASNY application, with meetings scheduled throughout January.
November, 2021 Update
Lots of news this month. First, we started construction on the temporary quarters and it is moving swiftly. We anticipate, subject to inspections, etc. to be able to use the space in January or early February.
As for the main building, we are approaching 90% completion of the design documents. A key date is January 12, 2022 which is when we will appear before the Town of Hempstead's Board of Zoning Appeals (2pm). Approval by the BZA is necessary for us to be able to borrow funds and proceed forward with this ongoing project.
October, 2021 Update
After evaluating several proposals, we have retained Corrado Construction to construct the temporary space. Construction has started and is anticipated to be completed in December, 2021. Design plans for the main project are in their final stages. We are filing the application with the Town for the next stage of permissions needed and we are preparing the documents and information needed for our loan application to DASNY.
September, 2021 Update
We have received approval for the buildout of the temporary space. We received a number of proposals and are evaluating them now. We also have received notice that we can now proceed to the Town's Board of Zoning Appeals, the next major step in our process.
August, 2021 Update
We have retained a kitchen consultant (ColburnGuyette Foodservice Design) and a theater/acoustics consultant (Theatre Projects). We continue to meet weekly with our design team.
June, 2021 Update
The plans for the temporary space have been submitted to the Town of Hempstead for review.
As for the main building, we continue to work with the design team and our construction Manager, fine-tuning the project as we await the review of the submitted site plan. We are also interviewing experts in the design of the theater.
May, 2021 Update
We are happy to announce that the site plan and drawings have been submitted to the Town of Hempstead Building Department for review, which is the next big step towards construction.
We are also pleased to announce that we have retained t-squared design Inc. as our sign consultant on the project. You can see more about them at
August, 2024 Moving along! Exterior is 90% done. The bathrooms are done. All of the flooring is done. Elevators are awaiting final inspection. Lighting is almost complete.
July, 2024
A Floors are in. ceilings are almost all up. Counters for the bathrooms came in and are being installed. The exterior panels are going up (slowly, but surely). The sign went up! We are pushing ahead for a September reopening!
June, 2024
A lot of progress has been made. All of the carpeting and most of the flooring has been installed. The lighting is almost all installed--just waiting on the wood ceiling installations. The 15' mosaic has been installed in the main staircase and the wallpaper in the Children and Teen rooms. We are on target for a reopening in September!
May, 2024
The blue trespa panels are being installed. The exterior panels, including both blue and gray, should be completed in June. The second floor interior is almost complete: lights, carpet, and mill work are installed. We are waiting for the sustainable ceiling to come in so that it can be installed. The sidewalks and front entrance have been completed. Doors are being hung.
April, 2024
The exterior is moving along, with all of the limestone panels in place. Next up are the gray and blue trespa panels. The parking lot lights have been installed as has much of the new fencing. Interior work continues with the ceilings and lights on the second floor just about complete and the non-wood portions of the ceilings almost done on the two lower levels. The elevators are in place, with just some finishing work ongoing.
March, 2024
Outside the building the stone panel installation has commenced, the gas header has been installed, and the front entry concrete has been installed. Interior, ceilings are going up, floor leveling is almost done, some rooms are already painted and carpeted--and work is proceeding!
February, 2024
Work is continuing. The office area is now carpeted; ceilings and lights are being installed. The ceiling throughout the building is grid-prepared, just awaiting lights and ceiling tiles. The stage is being constructed and work is proceeding on the theater. Work on the outside of the building is nearing the point where they can start applying the limestone panels: that work should be moving significantly in the next few weeks. A video of the Children's room and Teen Beacon is above.
January, 2024
Work is picking up pace. Much of the wallboard is now up. Work continues on the new teen room (The Beacon), the gas line connections have been installed, the bathrooms are being tiled, and work on the exterior walls is ongoing. The current schedule has us returning to the building in July/August.
December, 2023
Construction moves forward. Most of the windows are in--all will be by the end of the month. The parking lot has received its base coat--final paving will occur at the end of construction. Interior work has been ongoing and will pick up pace once the building is fully enclosed.
November, 2023
Construction is moving forward. The exterior of Area B (the old Children's Room) is being enclosed. Tile and wallboard installation is proceeding. We have completed the west parking lot concrete curbs and begun the Area B roof top unit blocking
Our latest schedule has us returning to the building in June, 2024.
September 1, 2023
We want to address some rumors running around on social media and elsewhere.
Dewatering: In order to create the theater and install real elevators, we needed to dig below the water line. This was always known. Pre-construction tests (and continued monitoring) showed that the water and soil on our property are clean. We hired a very respected company to manage the dewatering process. They put in a plan with the State (DEC approval was required) which took months to be evaluated--and was rejected because of the feared impact of the dewatering on the hazardous waste site at the Lincoln Shopping Center and the plume running from the shopping center west towards the river. To be clear, the shopping center site is almost completely clean at this point--the cleanup has been going on for years.
After revised plans were submitted, reviewed, and approved, dewatering commenced (another 6 month delay. The new plans called for 96 pump-points to be installed on our property (instead of one big pump) and 6 monitoring wells at the shopping center. Unfortunately, as soon as we started dewatering the water levels at the shopping center dropped and work was stopped. The clean-up site and the plume were not disturbed in any way: dewatering stopped before any water flow was disrupted. We then had to construct the basement in an on-again off-again manner, with daily monitoring of the water levels. Although the work on the "new" side was delayed, our contractors have been working diligently on the existing side.
In short, we have experienced delays. Some were due to COVID at the beginning of the project. Some were due to supply chain issues. And a good deal were due to the dewatering process. While we have experienced an unexpected delay--and significant cost increases-- there is no hazardous waste on our site, we did not disturb the clean-up site, and the project is moving forward.
Work has started to proceed at an accelerated pace. We currently expect to move back to the building in June/July of 2024--but we are taking every step we can to make it happen sooner.
We appreciate the community's patience and are even happier with our decision to create temporary spaces which are providing full library services throughout construction.
August, 2023
The basement concrete has been poured, the walls are going up, and more and more steel is in place in Area B (the old Children's Room). Dewatering, the process needed to build the basement/theater area, has caused delays and increased costs, but is almost done. Work on Area A, the part closest to the Church, continues, with most of the interior HVAC, electric, plumbing, etc. in place and wallboards going up daily.
July , 2023
We are proceeding at a good pace now--the deep parts of the basement area, including the elevator shafts, have been finished--so we are pumping out a LOT less water--and should be able to finish the basement/dewatering without further delay. Work on Area A continues rapidly, including walls, etc.
June 2023
We continue to have issues with the dewatering process, which continues to delay the work and increase costs. Our latest plan should help move things along.
For May, the following work was done:
100% complete with area A lower-level concrete infills
100% complete with area A elevator and sump pit work
100% complete with area A underground electrical and plumbing work
75% complete with window installation for area A
60% complete with electrical rough-in for area A
60% complete with plumbing rough-in for area A
Continuing excavation work in area B
May 2023
The work performed in April:
- 100% complete with concrete underpinning work
- 100% complete with roofing for the sunroom
- 100% complete with RPZ room equipment installation
- 75% complete with ductwork for area A
- 50% complete with electrical rough-in for area A
- 50% complete with plumbing rough-in for area A
- Began excavation for area A elevator and sump pits
- Began dewatering system to allow for excavation work in area B
April 2023
The work performed in March:
100% complete with dewatering system installation
100% complete with concrete waterproofing for area A
100% complete with exterior framing for area A
100% complete with door frame installation for area A
90% complete with sheathing for area A
90% complete with interior framing for area A
50% complete with ductwork for area A
30% complete with electrical rough-in for area A
30% complete with plumbing rough-in for area A
March 2023
The work performed in February:
100% complete with demolition
100% complete with roofing for area A
90% complete with exterior framing from area A
75% complete with sheathing for area A
75% complete with interior framing for area A
Began electrical conduit installation for area A
Began fire sprinkler installation for area A
Began mechanical piping installation for area A
February, 2023
We have received the NY State DEC dewatering permit which will allow us to dig the new basement area, which, in turn, will allow us to complete the enclosure of the building. Work on Area A (the former 1997 addition) continues, with roofing, side walls, duct work and more completed or in substantial progress.
December, 2022 Update
Construction continues. This month saw:
- 90% completion of structural steel work for area A
- 100% completion of roof curb blocking for area A
- 100% completion of concrete slab infills for area A
- Began second floor ductwork installation for area A
- Began second floor piping installation for area A
- Began exterior framing for area A
November, 2022 Update
Construction continues. We are awaiting NY State DEC approval for the dewatering needed on the new section. In the meantime, work continues on the easterly portion of the building.
October, 2022 Update
Construction is moving forward. Excavation, steel, concrete and site work are ongoing. See the rendering of the front of the building, above.
Our design team just won an award from the American Institute of Architects/NY for the lighting design!
September, 2022 Update
Construction is at its beginning phases, but moving forward. We will start sharing the renderings of the exterior and interior here and on social media starting in October. Target date is still Nov/Dec 2023!
August, 2022 Update
Demolition is complete. Construction is now commencing. We will be sharing renderings of the new space here and on social media throughout the Fall. As with any construction, there are always surprises, and we have had a few--but so far nothing insurmountable!
If you get a chance, stop by our temp space. We have placed sample exterior seats outside. Try them out (with a book and maybe a slice from Lia's or a sub from Jersey Mike's) and let us know which ones you like better!
July, 2022 Update
Demolition is in full swing. Both of the properties we purchased are down--we are excited to see how large the new parking lot will be! The 1962 structure is down completely. This is where the new 3 story (lower level and two above-ground floors) will be, and the 1997 section is almost completely stripped. We found some rusted out beams from hidden water damage which will be replaced. We expect construction to start shortly.
Of particular note, thanks to Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin, Town Councilman Anthony D'Esposito, and the rest of the Town Board, our building permit fees, which could have been in the hundreds of thousands of dollars have been capped going forward at just $500. Thank you!!
June, 2022 Update
As you can see, we added a construction camera and the demo/abatement work has begun!
May, 2022 Update
We held our Grand Opening at 56 and 26 Atlantic Avenue in the Greater Lincoln Shopping Center! We are open for business and construction will be starting in earnest at the main building. Tentative return date: October, 2023.
April, 2022 Update
We are moving! April 15th is our last day operating out of the main building. for the next two weeks we will have limited hours/service at the VFW, then on to our temporary home at the Greater Lincoln Shopping Center!
March, 2022 Update
3/21/22: Major milestone achieved: we have passed the fire marshal inspection for the temporary quarters (a key part had been delayed due to supply chain issues). We are now on target for a move the last two weeks of April, with a May 2nd open date at the Great Lincoln Shopping center--and the start of demolition at the main building.
3/3/22: We have closed on our bond with the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York. Construction will start shortly. Our move to the temporary location has been delayed due to supply chain issues with the fire alarm system, but it is our intention at this point to be operational at the Lincoln Shopping Center on May 2, 2022.
February, 2022 Update
Delighted to announce that Moody's rating service has just upgraded the Library's rating ahead of our bond issuance later this month.
Particularly proud of their comments:
The management team at Oceanside Library is highly qualified and well credentialed with members holding doctorates in education, law and masters of library science. Management also evidences cogent fiscal management as evidenced by the library's robust financial position. Additionally, voter approval of the capital project and property tax increase indicate strong local support for the library."
The full report can be seen here
January, 2022 Update
We are pleased to announce that we have received permission from the Town of Hempstead to proceed with the project! Our requested variances have been granted.
We are scheduled to lock in our funding with the Dormitory Association of the State of New York (DASNY) on February 17th, with a closing on March 3rd.
At this point we expect to move to the temporary quarters the last two weeks of March, with an opening on April 4th!
December, 2021 Update
The project is moving forward quickly. We are waiting for the fire alarm system to be installed and approved, and then we should be able to use the temporary space, even before the move.
We have finalized the "Guaranteed Maximum Price" with E.W. Howell after untold hours of meetings with the design team, engineers, estimators, consultants, and others. Our next big step is the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on January 12th, and then the finalizing of financing with DASNY. We have been working on the submissions required for the DASNY application, with meetings scheduled throughout January.
November, 2021 Update
Lots of news this month. First, we started construction on the temporary quarters and it is moving swiftly. We anticipate, subject to inspections, etc. to be able to use the space in January or early February.
As for the main building, we are approaching 90% completion of the design documents. A key date is January 12, 2022 which is when we will appear before the Town of Hempstead's Board of Zoning Appeals (2pm). Approval by the BZA is necessary for us to be able to borrow funds and proceed forward with this ongoing project.
October, 2021 Update
After evaluating several proposals, we have retained Corrado Construction to construct the temporary space. Construction has started and is anticipated to be completed in December, 2021. Design plans for the main project are in their final stages. We are filing the application with the Town for the next stage of permissions needed and we are preparing the documents and information needed for our loan application to DASNY.
September, 2021 Update
We have received approval for the buildout of the temporary space. We received a number of proposals and are evaluating them now. We also have received notice that we can now proceed to the Town's Board of Zoning Appeals, the next major step in our process.
August, 2021 Update
We have retained a kitchen consultant (ColburnGuyette Foodservice Design) and a theater/acoustics consultant (Theatre Projects). We continue to meet weekly with our design team.
June, 2021 Update
The plans for the temporary space have been submitted to the Town of Hempstead for review.
As for the main building, we continue to work with the design team and our construction Manager, fine-tuning the project as we await the review of the submitted site plan. We are also interviewing experts in the design of the theater.
May, 2021 Update
We are happy to announce that the site plan and drawings have been submitted to the Town of Hempstead Building Department for review, which is the next big step towards construction.
We are also pleased to announce that we have retained t-squared design Inc. as our sign consultant on the project. You can see more about them at
April, 2021 Update
We are delighted to announce that we have formally retained E. W. Howell Construction Group as our Construction Manager for the project! E.W. Howell brings quality, and professional large-scale contracting experience to the project. We will be working with them throughout the planning "pre-con" phase and they will help us in the proposal and constructing as well. See their site at
We are delighted to announce that we have formally retained E. W. Howell Construction Group as our Construction Manager for the project! E.W. Howell brings quality, and professional large-scale contracting experience to the project. We will be working with them throughout the planning "pre-con" phase and they will help us in the proposal and constructing as well. See their site at

March, 2021 Update
One of the questions we get asked almost every day: Where is the Library going to be during construction?
We now have an answer:
We will be in the Greater Lincoln Shopping Center!
Our Adult and Young Adult collections, along with computers,
study tables, etc. will be housed in the space formerly held by Annie Sez (and the jewelry store next door); Youth Services will set up shop a few storefronts down at the old Denny’s clothing store.
We are excited to be able to locate in the center of town (and so near to so many different restaurants!)
Construction is slated to start in late Fall; we will be preparing the space for the move in the meantime.
Onward! Forward!
February, 2021 Update
We have lots to report:
We are pleased to announce that MDA Design Group has been appointed as the interior designer for the Vision 2020 Project following an extensive search and evaluation process. You can learn more about MDA here.
October, 2020 Update
We completed interviews and onsite meetings with several prospective Construction Managers and Interior Designers and are evaluating their proposals, checking references, etc. We should have the team in place shortly.
September, 2020 Update
We want to let you know from time to time how we are proceeding with the Vision 2020 project, (we will be shooting for monthly at least) and to answer questions we have received.
As we promised, we continue to list all payments and payees on the Vision 2020 website.
Originally we hoped to break ground in the late Spring of 2021. Because of COVID-related delays, that has been pushed to the Fall.
Finally, people want to know where we will be moving during construction. No, we are not taking over the old Waldbaums! We will look for space after the New Year. We are confident that we will be able to find a suitable site when the time comes.
If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email us--we are always happy to talk with you!
One of the questions we get asked almost every day: Where is the Library going to be during construction?
We now have an answer:
We will be in the Greater Lincoln Shopping Center!
Our Adult and Young Adult collections, along with computers,
study tables, etc. will be housed in the space formerly held by Annie Sez (and the jewelry store next door); Youth Services will set up shop a few storefronts down at the old Denny’s clothing store.
We are excited to be able to locate in the center of town (and so near to so many different restaurants!)
Construction is slated to start in late Fall; we will be preparing the space for the move in the meantime.
Onward! Forward!
February, 2021 Update
We have lots to report:
- We have completed the purchase of both 21 Fairview Avenue and 26 Davison Avenue. We will be making applications to the Town to convert both properties to parking. The 26 Davison Avenue project was included in the bond resolution; the 21 Fairview Avenue has been purchased through the use of other funds.
- We continue to work with our design team to create the design plans for the new Library. The most current set are now included in the Plans section
- We have chosen a Construction Manager. As soon as the contract is finalized we will announce the details. This selection was the result of a rigorous review process; the company chosen is one of the most respected in the field
- We are close to announcing where our temporary quarters will be. Exciting news that should be available for public release very shortly
- H2M is working diligently on the site plan, a major component necessary to take the next steps towards construction
- As always, check out the Vendors and Payments tab for a list of all payments made thus far
We are pleased to announce that MDA Design Group has been appointed as the interior designer for the Vision 2020 Project following an extensive search and evaluation process. You can learn more about MDA here.
October, 2020 Update
We completed interviews and onsite meetings with several prospective Construction Managers and Interior Designers and are evaluating their proposals, checking references, etc. We should have the team in place shortly.
September, 2020 Update
We want to let you know from time to time how we are proceeding with the Vision 2020 project, (we will be shooting for monthly at least) and to answer questions we have received.
- We have met several times with the architect and are working on designs, the survey, etc. As you may recall, the plans we used during the Spring were for budget purposes only. We have taken literally dozens of suggestions we received from the public and are incorporating them into tightening up the design.
- We sent out a Request for Proposal for various positions and received dozens of responses. We have now conducted first interviews with approximately 20 Construction Managers, interior designers, audio/visual consultants, demonstration kitchen consultants, and security consultants. We hope to have the Pre-Construction team in place later this month.
- We have entered into a contract, subject to a variance, to purchase the property adjacent to our west parking lot (behind the doctor's office we are also in contract for). This will allow us to square off the parking lot, provide better ingress and egress, and create even more parking spots.
- We are moving the entrance of the building from the middle to the westerly side of the building so that it is near the parking lot and the crosswalk. This will be more convenient, safer, and will limit the noise associated with the entrance from the rest of the building.
As we promised, we continue to list all payments and payees on the Vision 2020 website.
Originally we hoped to break ground in the late Spring of 2021. Because of COVID-related delays, that has been pushed to the Fall.
Finally, people want to know where we will be moving during construction. No, we are not taking over the old Waldbaums! We will look for space after the New Year. We are confident that we will be able to find a suitable site when the time comes.
If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email us--we are always happy to talk with you!